I just don't give a damn if you want to take everything that wasn't rightfully yours...don't give a s*&#...
Your ignorance to others only proves that you...no...not just you but All of you...are full of s*^#...
I wouldn't even dare to even ask nor to even speak about it...and now, you are saying it's yours...
Hello!! the owner is still alive and kicking!!
Lantak korang la...Ape korang ingat duit tuh bolih bawak mati ke??
and if this is the way you treat your elderly...hmmm...no wonder your mother live her life that way...
Nuff said...But before I end this..I just wanted to say...
Take!! take everything you want...claim everything that you think is yours... Even it is not yours, Ambik je lah!!
As long as you don't bother me and my families' life...I wouldn't give a damn! As long as I live with a roof on my head..I'm cool..
(seriouly??...Do you really need that much of money to be happy??? to live? I wonder how much money you have in you bank acc.? You got one hell of a job...and you said ur mother got no 'harta'!!!?? Damn! You are her 'harta', bodoh!!)
Terpaling Green Day?
3 days ago
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