Malam nih xtau la..tapi hati nih kurang senang...macam ade sesuatu yang kurang...yang mungkin saya xjumpe hari nih...hmmm...kenape yerk??
Macam x selesa...macam ade sesuatu yang x kene...ape yerk? ape yang saya xbuat hari nih??
Kalau dilayan kan perasaan nih bisa gila!
Mungkin sebab perasaan xkeruan nih, saya patut teruskan mebelog...menulis...walaupon mungkin xde org bace...sekurang2nye ia terluah..dan saya x gila..
This blog was actually started as a food review belog...I like to eat..and sometimes I eat out..KD got loads of new restaurant and cafes...banyak sometime I do go out and try these new shops...
But after 2 entri I stop. I realised that I couldn't afford to eat out...hahaha...saya nih miskin!! duit xde...banyak masak senirik jek... Duit satu hal jugak..tapi bile makan luar, I also notice, I complain a lot! Macam2 bile balik umah...I try to cook the same food but suits my taste bud!!perfecto!! so still end up doing my own cooking..
So I left the blog hanging..bersawang-sawang...until I got to know my friend started blogging. and he ask me to blog too..So i just continue this belog...just change its name to something else.
And it continue to be a blog where I put my holidays, vacation and jalan2 with friends and family...but then, we've been busy..and I've been busy...dah malas dah nak pi jalan2 semua...then this blog change to be something else too..
I think it became more personal...more stuff about me..more about my activities..more about my cookings...more about my become a getaway for say anything in my mind...things that I want to share with someone..but got no one to listen to this blog helps..
kadang-kadang rasa macam nak bercerita..nak meluahkan..tapi xde yang nak menulis memang banyak menbantu..
After all the above crap, I could probably only be having my PMS..hahaha...tu pasal la xsedap jek rasenye...rase macam nak emo lebih lak..ehehehe...Rase macam nak terlebih airmata...rase mcam nak terlebih jerit...hehehe...crap..crap..
I'm losing my mind...uhuhuhu...
Terpaling Green Day?
3 days ago
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