I was searching trough my notes collection...notes back from my School days..Hajatnye nak cari buku nota Sejarah..to give to my sister...
But I think I had it thrown away sometimes ago...mungkin sebab banyak sangat buku yang saya still simpan.. Cari punye cari I found my Dragonball no 28 book...macamane bulih ade kat sini...In my room??
I have a full collection of Dragonball and GTO comic books..that I treasure...hahahaha...I kept it nicely in the store room...how book no 28 end up in my room I don't know...haiya...
Dragonball was the comic I'd collected when I was in form 2/3 and GTO while I was in Sek Teknik...hehehe...full set...susah oooo nak cari GTO back then...I remember, I was in Seremban. The last copy of GTO kat book stand. Can't remember which book. tapi ade sorg mamat nih nak jugak buku tuh...tapi saya yg sampai dulu...hahaha...gaduh ngan mamat tuh ngan mamak jual komik...but in the end I got it...hehehe...
Owh.. back to the topic about my notes collection..Why in the world I still keep all my notes??
Reason: Just in case if I ever going to be a teacher...I can use my notes to teach my student...hahahaha....harapan...
I'm a bad teacher...I'm awful at teaching...awful...just ask my sister...hahahaha....
now, I only have my chemistry and biology notes back from Sekolah Teknik...the rest I'd trhown out...huhuhuhu...sedeh la plak...esp nota sejarah...
banyak kenangan ngan cikgu sejarah nih...sangat lah garang...but that is the only reason why I got A1 in Sejarah...Cikgu nih sangat garang...My note book pernah kene baling ngan dia...and once, I look left to my friend becase dia tersiku saya, She yelled at me " Afirah, ulang balik ape yang saya cakap tadi!" mak aih, bulih mati terkejut...ttbe jek...nasib baik bulih repeat balik..kalu x....Anyway, Cikgu Nazirah, saya sayang cikgu!
and why I still have my chemistry note...sebab saya SUKE sangat ngan Cikgu Omar...walaupon chemistry saya dapat B...saya tetap suke Cikgu...ehehehe...pasal cikgu lah saya cium pokok pinang tuh...ngahahaha...
and my Biology book???? hahahaha...those was my good old days pranking teachers...This Biology book remind me of it...and always make me smile!! hahahaha...
My biology teacher was a new cikgu in school. Not even majoring Biology, but she have to teach Bio. So me, knowing that...I tortured her life!! I like to read. and when you read you have things that you don't understand. And I tortured her with question which I know she wouldn't know how to answer...hahahaha...And I asked the question in front of the class... Boy I had fun!!! hahaha... Mintak maap yek cikgu...huhu...
Macam-macam kenangan ngan cikgu sekolah nih...ape2 pon...saya sayang semua cikgu2 saya...dengan ini Saya nak ucapkan Selamat Hari guru pade semua cikgu...terutama pada kamu yang tengah bace belog nih...hehehe..
(mintak maap banyak2 yek cikgu...kalu terase hati ngan saya...I was young and stupid...)
now getting younger and a bit wiser...hehehe...:P
Terpaling Green Day?
3 days ago
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