Me and my sister fight a lot when we were fight...she bullied me a lot...uhuhu...
She was born in 82 and I was in the diff is only 2 years...xade beza mane pon...but...
After I was born, my granma (mom's side), took me and raised me up until I was 3 or 4 years old. My sister konon2 nye adalah anak tunggal for about 6 years. Then Daddy took me back.
And there I was...Innocently looking at her..while in her thought.."What is that super cute girl doing here?? She is ruin my plan to take over the world by looking cute!! now she's is even everyone's gonna fall for her!!!!"
hahahaha...obviously the dialogue were made up...or not???uh sis??hehehe..
Maybe it was hard for her to suddenly accepting me...there I was...being there to everything she was doing alone before...huhuhu...
There's a lot of pictures of the two of us...The one I remembered the most is us...wearing a white baju kurung...and a scarf on our head...we were supposed to look pretty...for what I can't remember...
Just seconds before Daddy took our pics, she pulled my scarf..mess my hair...pullling it out!!!
so you can see in the pics...I was crying like mad...she have a nice evil smirk on her face...nicely done sis...hahaha...
There's another pic..
We were playing some stamp know...were you stamp pic of animal..using those normal stamp pad...lalalala....lalalala...
and just seconds before Daddy took our pic...SHE STAMPED MY FACE!!!! yeh sis...what were you thinking?? hahahaha...and as usual...I was crying and you were laughing your heart out!! hahahahaha...
As a kid...I don't that talk much (even now, I think I'm not talkative). My sister's friends is also my friend. I spent a lot of time hanging out with you...yehhh even after you bullied me a lot..huhu..
I remember (don't think you do) when we went to a summer camp ( mase kat Birm dulu, ingat??) I was begging to sleep in the same tent with you!! I don't have many friends...and the only person I know was Jessica...african girl with that lovely smile...she was your friend to right?? and You look at me with those mata menjeling tajam gile at me!! (those eyes were saying..."sleep in another tent..I'm sleeping with my friends!!!!") uhuhuhu....I was scared, tapi terpakse lah tido dalam tent with some people I barely know...uhuhuhu....
( I can go on and on and on about you and me...but I have to dedicate a whole new blog just for that...hehehe)
It's been more than 20 years now...those were memories..those were things...that made us closer right...
In two month you are getting married...I wonder...will we still fight like before..will we still have pictures like before...will you still bully me? (I'm sure this will still go on...hehe)...or will things change?? hmmmm...
I will always be you little sister and you, my even bigger sis..hahaha...
nanti, jangan lah lupe nak belanje shopping yerk...makan...holidays...
Remember, I always come first before anyone, even your husband...hahaha...kidding...
p.s: Dah dua kali berturut mimpi kene gigit ngan ular. Orang2 tua kate, kalu kene gigit ular, maknenya nak kahwin la tuh x lama lagi...hahaha...wrong person la mr Dream...My sister la not me!!! haiyaaa!!! yeah we look almost alike (but I obviously lagi comel!!) xkan sampai salah orang kot?!! hahaha..
Terpaling Green Day?
3 days ago
touchingnye T_T only org yg ade sister aje yg tau..haha..
but, i was d one who alwiz bullying my sis..i dono..its in my gene =|
wow..2 kali..komfem x lame lagi tu!i had none=|
wahahhahaa...kelakar giler baca...mmg lawak giler kn..all those memories...irreplaceable!!!
ejek2 kamu smpai nangis2...then gelak2...wahahhaa...damn i sounded percayalah...those things that i've done is to create memories...kalu x..sure dull je zaman kecik2...haha...
no worries...holiday2 shopping2 segala...harus lah angkut kamu ngan best...
pe lagi sunnn...jom lah kawin bln 7 that i can (again) do sumthing to u for the wedding pix...hahhaa..~feeling sbnr...sgt sedehhh ok!!!still rs we need more time to hang around in my bedroom, gossips2, lepak2 same2, gelak2, amik gmbr lingzhi...bleh nye...pas kawin pn still bleh kn...gonna be the same big sister out!!!=p
nini: ko buli kakak ko tuh aku dh bulih agak dah..hehehe...cannot pecaya org dulu2...what does kene gigit ngan ular got to do with someone getting married right? pelek??hahaha...
kakak: Yes... I remember!! ejek sampai nangis!!!jahat gile...huhuhu...
Hahahaha...kawin bulan 7 gok?? nok kawin ngan sape?? maybe I should start an ad...calling anyone interested to get married in july...hahaha...
No...this time I'll make sure you are crying on your wedding day...hahaha..and I'm the one with that evil smirk on my face!!wahaha..
tul2 sunnnn...start making an ad...for a start..buh kt fb...haha...plg2 pn org hok interested kwn2 kamu jugok...lg senang...haha...
we'll see gambar sape plg comel nnt...nangis pn still comel wooo...hahah..and the gurl with the evil smile...will always be me...haha...
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