Woh..lame rase nya menghilang lagi kan...Miss me? hehehe...
Nak kata busy x lah sangat. Cuma x berkesempatan nak meng'update' blog. So this one is going to be one loooong entry. Hah..Let's see how long is loooong. hahaha...
Semalam hantar kakak and her hubby balik UK. No, bukan hantar sampai UK, tapi hantar pi KLIA jek. (Kan best kalau dapat pi sekali). Satu mende yang saya pesan pada kakak adalah... The moment her husband started crying homesick, Call me!! and put it on loud speaker!!! ngahahaha...Aku jahat!
Hari ni pergi PAWS and amik kucing sekor lagi!
Korang ingat kan iklan mencari Abang ngan Adik. tapi x dapat ditemui! mana ntah diorang nih. Abik and anak2 xde kat rumah bapak sebab they are with me in my house. Disebabkan ketiadaan kucing, bapak dapat haiwan peliharaan baru....yerk... Tikus!! besar punyer!! Hoh! Dasat gile. tikus nih memang x takot orang langsung. selamba badak dia jek keluar jalan2 lalu depan orang ramai time ktorang tengah wat BBQ kat rumah!
So adopt a new cat and we named it Chibi! and this time kucing itu adalah 'Besar punye'. tapi kalau kucing tuh x reti tangkap gak tikus tuh, xde harapan lah. xtau lah nak buat ape.
Can you believe this? I got stuck in my own bathroom for more than 30 minutes! (42 minutes to be exact!) Demmit! I can hear you laughing, It's not funny. Okay fine, it is funny. Laugh all you want!
Boleh pulak door lock rosak. Nasib baik masa tuh Ulfah ada kat rumah. Buatnya kalau kene masa xde orang kat rumah, nak mintak tolong sape? Nak tunggu adik datang rescue pon 30 minit. Lame sunggoh!
Hari rabu buat bridal shower for my Girl! huhuhu...dah nak kawin dah, and yang paling x best adalah Nini nak pi jepang lepas kawin! xdapat la nak jumpe gelak2 macam sokmo-sokmo. Mana lagi nak dapat member yang bawak kete buat corner pakai gear 5 at 80 km/j (Aku pon xreti nak bawak kete cmnih?!). Sapa lagi nak berebut mic kalau pi karok ngan budak2 tuh? yang nak gaduh2 sampai kene kurung dari luar? yang nak jadi pengacara gile time jalan2 balik Tganu? Yang nak menyamar konon2 dia Rossa? Yang nak buat tempahan catering untok makan 10 orang je? Yang ade suara nyaring gile, 10 batu pon ko tau tuh Nini? Yang xbolih berhenti bercakap? hehehe... And yang paling xdapat dicari ganti....... Brownies ko yang super sedap tuh! bile nak bagi resipi nih? W'pun aku xreti nak buat kek, akanku cuba jugak! I am definately going to miss you (your brownies actually!) lah.
And I'll be waiting for only one thing from you. Yup, a free air ticket to Japan! hahaha... Anyways, goodluck and all the best! I know you make a good wife and mother... Owh, and speaking of that, there is one thing good about you leaving. Baby won't remember who her Mak Lang is and suddenly Auntie Fifi is her new fav! Hahahaha....
A few hours before my sister's boarded her plane, we went to visit my mom's kubur. That was probably my shortest visit ever. I just couldn't hold my self. Two seconds and I went back in my car. Trying so hard not cry.
It's easy for other people to say things like "She's gone. Accept the fact that she's gone. Move on" or "You can't cry. It's fate that your mum is now dead". Shut up bitch! Let's see what will you do when your time comes. What normal people who doesn't fell sad, or cry or sometimes just smile when you remember the one you love and lost? There's something wrong with you if you just go, Owh. she's dead. Lalalalala...lalala... Is it wrong to even remember and feel sad about it?
It's hard to explain to people until you experience it yourself. But I realise that there's one thing good that I've learn when my Mum passed away. That I can get thru anything!
You see, when this most unthinkable happened, watever comes after that, is just a small matter. If I can get thru this, I can get thru anything!
I still couldn't find time to invite friends over my house. Plannye nak buat esok. Makan nasi beriyani. Sorrylah. Susah lah nak buat weekends, susah jugak nak buat weekdays. Hoh...Gimana nih? Ideas???
I am out of music to listen to. Radio sucks! They keep on repeating the same annoying song. All my favourite CD's are no where to be found. Sara Bareilles, One Republic, Nidji...semuanya xtau pergi mana dah... Gone with the wind..
I can't listen to Peterpan anymore.. I even pronounce it as Peterporn. Ariel was my celebrity crush. Was?? was!!! now, not anymore...why Ariel?? why... Now everytime I listen to you, in my head,.........( fill in the blanks yourself). You ruin my picture perfect imagination. Why?
I am dissapointed!
Now, I don't know to listen to who. Any suggestion? Any nice band to listen to? Maybe I should go and get Paramore.
Okay. I guess that's about it. This is long enough. Next posting will be about food! Lama dah x update about food and resipi bujang saya. Hehehehe...
Goodnite. Kiss yourself goodnite for me! Muahmuah.\m/(^_^)\m/
Terpaling Green Day?
2 days ago
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