Hoho...Baru perasan hari nih yang ada banyak gila typo in last posting...hehehe..tapi malas lah nak betolkan..Abaikan..
Do you remember my cousin from Johor, the one that I drove him here and there for that Sime Darby interview? He got into UM! hahaha.... taking Applied Geology... Woh... Congrats!
Pagi tadi teman Maksu ngan dia register in UM. Maksu janji nak pergi kol 8. And at exactly at 8, I was ready to go. Tapi bila sampai rumah, Maksu x mandi pon lagi. Hampeh..Saba je lah aku! huh... Ayin got to stay in 8th college. It is quite far from Science Faculty, he was worried and I said no biggies, Um banyak je bas. Hah, macam la aku penah naik...hahahaha... My residential college was near to the faculty. Only 15 minitues walk, sebab tuh xpenah langsung naik bas.
Sampai kat UM, there were not as much people as I expected. Sikit je. Amik student sikit ke tahun nih? hmmm....xtau la...
Student jek yang bolih masuk dalam foyer untok register. Selain daripada itu, kene tunggu kat bawah. So we were sitting in chairs provided. I got bored and started to look at people...hehehe... And I notice this one Chinese girl who was actually dancing to the music played at that college. And amazingly she was also humming it. And what's more amazing, she knows all the malay songs too. Wow. (yer, ini contoh satu Malaysia. it's lame. ahahaha)
I also notice the proud faces of parents. Huh. I remember my first day in UM. hahahaha... (not actually first day, I've been coming to UM since I was born. So first day in UM as a UM student.) I got into 1st RC. I t was the coolest orientation ever. No 3.00 am moring call. No seniors stupid ragging. No need to wake up early in the morning. No stupid shouting and name calling. No need to get 100 stupid seniors signature. You can also use your handphone (some college kept handphone until the end of orientation!). You are also forced to sleep at 11pm because we will have an early morning tomorrow, which is at 8.30 am???!!!! huh... mereka sunggoh baik. I salute all of you for treating us like an adult. Thanks for not making my first week as student soo miserable!
Kemudian kami gerak masuk bilik hostel. Saya masih lagi dlam mood mata melilau tengok orang. Yang paling xtahan ialah muka Ibu bapa bila diorang masok bilik. hhahahahaha.... Saya cume senyum jek. hahahahaha....
I called UM as an ancient Uni, my lecturer calls it the jurassic park Uni. What do you expect for a hostel room to be if it were built in the 40's and 50's? Bile masuk semua tercengang. Ye lah, time matrik dulu bilik semua baru and cantik lagi. Ni barang semua yang agak2 kalau tersepak mesti berkecai lah...hahahaha.... Eh ni kira okay la nih, bolih je survive kan. Lagi pon budak laki nih x banyak songeh sangat kan? hehehe...Pandai2 la korang ek...
So settle eh bab bilik? Rase2 nye okay la kan untok setahun nih? So, mari kite g toilet pulak... Tadaaaaaa.... hahahahaha.... Parents semua jaw dah jatuh on the toilet floor...hahahahaha..... Malas lah nak explain cmne toilet nye, pandai2 la korang fikir dan imagine yerk...
By 12pm Ayin was settling in, and we head straight home.
I don't like my RC life. uh? how come? Well, after the orientation finish, I move to 3rd college. Bad move! I hated that place. The only thing that made me stay was my roomate, Kak Sarah. I hate my RC life. I stayed there thru my 1st and 2nd year. 3rd year, I stay at my house, my roomate have graduated, so I'm left with no one. I hate the whole place. The people in it, the building, the food, the activities...urrgghhhh...everything! I hate to go there (memories) so I am not elobrating anymore. Enough that I said I hate 3rd RC! (too many hate words....I must have hated that place with all my soul!)
So, I assume everyone is also registering today right? for all Universities and Colleges kan? Ke x? hmmmm... ape2 lah...
If you are starting your Uni life, Good luck okay. Study hard and enjoy more. Yeeehhhh!!
Mid Valley dekat je tuh, jom lah gi tengok movie. hehehe...
Night everyone. Please do dream of me, and wish me good health.
(I am now too tired and exausted. Why la wedding is so hard to do? X bolih ke wat akad pastuh terus balik rumah jek?????)
Bertemu Ahli Syurga?
1 day ago
3rd college haters high five! :D
yeh!!! we shud open a facebook hate page lah...hehehe...
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