Sidney Sheldon have been my favourite author of all time. He is the best of the best. I know my words of praise is no justice to how good he was, so I'm just saying I love his writings.
I first read Sheldon's "The best laid plans" when my sister brought back home that book. I'm not sure when was it, but I was in my teens. Hoh! that makes me sound so old! That book was the one that got me stuck with reading Sheldon's book. He got almost 20 book, and I'm proud to say I read almost all of it.
When I was in school, buying first hand book was rather impossible. With limited allowance, I can only manage to borrow books from renting stores. One shop that I like is one in The Mall. Since I was going back and forth from KL to Melaka every fortnight using the Komuter, I will stop to that shop so I could return a book and borrow another one. Eventually I finish almost all the Sidney Sheldon writings. I always says almost finish, because to tell you the truth, I don't remember which one I have read. Hehehe... (I couldn't remember the title, but certainly remember the story.)
Sidney Sheldon book is just mesmerizing. He is not the type who use fancy words, he writes so his readers would understand. I love the twisting plot. I love that at the end I always guess uncorrectly. I love that he change the whole thing at the very end, and you would go "ahhhh...". With Sheldon, there is always climax in every chapter. It gets your heart pounding every time. A page turner, I would say. I couldn't sleep, drink or eat until I finish one whole book. For that reason, I stop reading his book for awhile. I have assigtments to do, lessons to study and exams to pass. His book is like a drug. You will get addicted and the statisfaction is only after you finish every bits of words in the book.
I also like the way he always potraits a women. In his story, it is always a women, or more, who is dominant yet very gentle, lusting for power, telling the journey from nothing to something and using all a women have to conquer the world. And how he write bits of romance here and there. It nothing cheesy like romance novel. It's just enough to get you blush a little bit. Hehe..
I'm reading his book all over again when I have time. Good times. Buying his book when I have extra money. Trying to collect the whole series.
Do I have any fav author?
No. Would you suggest one for me?
My friend introduce me to Anne Rice. Vampires? If is not Edward Cullens, then he is not my type. I've tried Stephen King, but I found him too descriptive. I've tried just grabbing a book from the best seller section, but I don't find the story statisfying enough. Too much and just so predictable. I've tried Malay novel, but I found it too cliche. Malay novel is always romance, and most favourite subject is arrange marriage and how sweet it is to fall in love after marriage. Lame! But I do sometimes read Ramli Awang Murshid's, atleast it's not the typical love romantic Malay novel. Hehehehe... (jangan marah yer Leli!). But I've read Harry Potter and the Twillight Saga. Love it. But not something that I would read twice.
The last time we went to the book shop, my sister bought a Sophie Kinsella's book ( Her first book ever, can you believe it? She always says thick books are ridiculous. I' glad she starts reading now.) I know Kinsella is famous for shopohollic series, but I never try reading hers. But my sister said it's a good read. Funny. Cute and sweet. Owh, good for her, but I'm not looking for funny, sweet and cute. I need another Sidney Sheldon please.
Open for suggestion. Anybody? Anything please.
(Glad that the chaos of the proposition of introducing me to a guy is over. It's just a yes/no question. And for now, my answer is No. NEXT!! Hehehehe...)
Terpaling Green Day?
3 days ago
me love sidney sheldon too!!oso like u..i remember the story but not the title=p u elaborate on the writing well..cannot agree more ^_^
Jodie Picoult is awesome! try bace House Rules.about a kid with Asperger's Sindrome.
oh hai cek firah.hehehe :)
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