Friday, February 18, 2011

Kucing manis (sweet cats)

Such a sweet couple. Bubs and Cleo.

Cleo hates Bubs more than anything. But no matter what she did, Bubs loves Cleo even more. Ahhhhhhhh.......

Cleo loves to sleep in the toilet. Bubs won't be far from her. He sleeps at the toilet door. They eat together. If it's fish night, he lets she eats first.

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He thinks he is one of us. When I'm in the kitchen, he is there too. If only he could help do the dishes! When I do my bed, he always lie on the blanket. Silly cat. Bubs also knows how to ask for fish. He will come and beg and beg and beg for fish with those bog round eyes and won't stop until I gave him fish. Cleo is totally the opposite. She knows she's a cat. She only eat and sleep. And she only eat what I feed her, never ever beg for fish. And she is really quiet. Good cat.

But I love you so so much Bubs and Cleo. You are my babies.


Unknown said...

r u serious??saje post to make me jealous kan??to show ur new cat!!!waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
how to unlike this post??=|

afirah said...

hahahaha... seriously didn't mean that. Or did I??? hahahaha....

santi said...

that funny cat,.. :D

afirah said...

Hai there Santi! Yes indeed they are very very funny;p