Wednesday, August 18, 2010


waaaaa... nini....

why do you link my blog to FB? Now, my blog traffic is going crazy. At least one reader every hour. I know this blog is public and if I want to keep it private I shud block it. But it is not public or private. It is for everyone to read, but not everyone. It's for the lucky one, who somehow found this blog.

Now, I feel naked. Like everyone knows me.


(you can always link it to your blog. But not FB. Lets is only for bloggers. Bolih?)

Anyway, dah start kumpol duit nak belikan tiket aku g jepon x? Jangan shopping banyak sangat okay. Sila start menabung sekarang!


Unknown said...

ape punye status blog tah..keliru I..hihi..yey!!fifi femes ( gelaran baru=p)

afirah said...

hhahaha...aku pon xtau lah..