I just made Nasi kerabu for berbuka from scratch today.. Hehehe... Tetiba terasa diri hebat..
My first time cooking nasi kerabu was last year's Ramadhan. A bit kelam kabut. I was on the phone with my sister while cooking, asking her to explain watever that she scribbles on her cook book. But it turn out great. Nasi kerabu wasn't easy to make. There's a whole lot of cooking! I remember after finish cooking, I told myself this is the first and last I'm doing Nasi Kerabu! Sebab banyak dowh mende nak buat. Jadi apa kejadahnya buat lagi tahun nih? Heh.. Semalam Yani beli nasi kerabu kat Bazar, and it taste horrible! Xpuas hati nye pasal, I made nasi kerabu today. Delicious and superb. And this time wasn't as 'kelam kabut' as before. Practice does makes perfect.
So, untok buat nasi kerabu. You will need.
a) Nasi. In the case you don't have that purple flower that gives the blue colour, just use nasi putih biasa jek. Cuma tanak nasi letak serai sekali. Kasi wangi..
b) Sambal kelapa. Masak kelapa parut sampai kuning sikit. Blend isi ikan kembong (yg dh masak), bawang merah, halia ngan serai. Mix it with the kelapa parut. Masak sampai kering
c) Sambal . Masukkan santan dan serai dalam periuk. Blend cili, bawang merah ngan bawang putih ngan belacan sikit. Masukkan dalam periuk. Masak sampai pecah minyak.
d) Solok lada. Isi ikan (yg mentah) mix ngan kelapa parut, ngan bawang yang dah diblend. Garam sikit. Mix well. Find a fat chili, cut it at the middle and stuff t with that ikan. You know, macam yang yong tau fu tuh.
e) Kerabu sayur. Simply just cut veges! Veges macam kacang panjang, kobis, bunga kantan, tauge dan timun.
f) lauk. I did two lauk. Daging and ayam. Just marinate daging, ayam ngan sedikit garam, serai, and kunyit. Bakar or goreng, anyway you want it.
Siap. Heh.. that is a whole lot of work. Tapi sangat puas hati. Makanan semua licin. Proof that it is delicious. Ngehehe... Oh oh...lupe lagi satu. Budu. Skang dah bulih letak semua bahan dan gaul dan makan. Yer, nasi kerabu kalau nak makan kene gaul dulu. Nampak cam selekeh jek, tpi dah cara makan nye cmtuh.
Penat woh masak nasi kerabu nih, banyak hal. And f I'm selling this nasi, it's going to cost more than rm10. hahahaha.....
Uh...please ignore the very hideous picture. It's home cooking. It's not going to look like a 5-star hotel chef cooked it. As long as it taste better, it's all that matter, right?
(tomorrow is my second day puasa, hehehe... Harap2 selamat lah bangun sahur pagi esok...)
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1 day ago
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