Argggghhhhh... Tensen sunggoh! WTH is going on with Kota Damansara? The whole place is stuck with stand still traffic. Deng! It took me more than 30 minutes to arrive at my Dad's, when it always took me 5 minutes jek. Ingat nak isi minyak dan pergi masuk duit kat bank..huh... I'm going 10 minutes before midnight. Kalau jem lagi xtau la.
I'm sooo excited when I found out that Paramore is coming to KL. Yehhh! Huh...but... even that I wanted to go sooooo much , I know I wouldn't. I would if Paramore is only entertaining me. Which wouldn't happen.hahaha... I hate crowds. I hate being in the middle of loads of people. It will get loud and noisy. It will get hot and sweaty and sticky. Owh I hate all the above.
So the closes I can get to a Paramore concert is..... in my car. hahahaha... I'll put on the Paramore CD, on the highest volume my ears can take, imagining that Paramore is doing its concert, and start singing my heart out. hahahaha...
Yes its pathetic, tapi nak wat cmner. I don't like people. I mean crowds. hee..
Hence, my odd hours of doing shopping. It's either very early in the morning or very late at night. Betul2 nak mengelakkan dari jumpe orang ramai.
I've been getting calls from friends asking about my house open house. I tried so much not to bump into my Dad's friends in Uni, coz I know they will start asking about open house. (I somehow stumbled with one of my dad's fren, and ofkos he start harrassing us with open house question.ahahahaha...) Yer Shamrul, bukan anda sorang jek yang sibok tanye pasal open house. Jadi dengan ini saya dengan berbesar hati membuat pengumuman bahawasanya, tahun ini tidak akan ada rumah terbuka. heeeee....
reason: saya malas.
Malas lah nak masak untuk ramai2 nih. Cukoplah time raya hari tuh. Tahun lepas pon dah buat dah open house. Buatnye pukol 2 start. Tapi semua orang datang kol 3. Xmenang tangan sampai xde tempat dudok. Sampai air habih xsempat nak refill. Xnak xnak. Trauma tahun lepas x habis lagi. Hahahaha...
Okay2. Kalau saya rajin mungkin open house lepas Raya haji nanti. But I said maybe. I didn't promise okay. I said maybe. So you are all invited, I mean maybe. Hehehehe....
till then.
kiss yourself goodnight for me before you go to sleep, okay. Muah..
(berokbeng sile jangan wat hal la yerk)
Terpaling Green Day?
3 days ago
tekejuk kawe..stak2 jah doh menjerik...
nak menjerit lagi nih. Peke hal ntah dua tiga hari nih. asyik jem jek. tensen aku. nak kuar rumah pon susah.
kecewalah..xpenah g open hosue umah afira..hahahaha...
xpe2...kene ganti ngan stim boat..hahha..nini jom join sekali..
afirah..nini ajak g jepun..hahah
nini. jom la stimbot next week. hahahaha...gelak jahat.
owhowh.. sapa soh xdatang tahun lepas punya. hehe... tunggu la lagi 10 tahun yerk.. hehehehe...
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