well, Xla rajin sangat nak update nih tp I want to story satu citer..
I have an old friend..lame gak la kawan ngan dia nih...roomate la..
kami memang rapat mase kat Uni. kalu nak berpoya-poya time malam-malam, dia la mangsanya. lepak minum air, borak smpai pagi...hehehe...
bile kami habih degree, dia dapat sambung untuk jadi cikgu. sambung setahun kat UPSI. dimana saya masih lagi di takuk lame...tidak kemana tapi masih d Uni yang sama..huhu...
bile kene posting, dia dapat ke Johor, daerah mane kureng ingat. tahun pertama di sana, dia kenal ngan sorg cikgu yg juga divorcee. umor early 40's. baru jek bercerai with the wife.
they become close. sampai orang sekolah dah start bising2. mungkin jugak sebab tekanan dari orang sekeliling mereka akhirnye ambil keputusan untuk kawin jugak.
and I didn't get to know about this marriage only until a couple of month b4 the weddg. terkejut. sbb dia baru kenal cikgu nih. tp keputusan untuk kawin tidak bolih dihalang. sbb bile keputusan dh dibuat, hanya mereka jek yg punya hak mutlak terhadap keputusan itu. walaupun sy kurang bersetuju, I only wish them the very best.
sebab buat kenduri jauh sgt, maka tidaklah saya sampai disana.
she called during honeymoon period. telling she's at her happiest. good. harap sampai ke tua lah.
she said that being a wife wasn't so bad. she's is enjoying it. the rutin every morning. every day preparing the very best for the husband. never stop from her mouth saying syukur to Allah for the blessing she felt.
tapi, ape yang diharap kan kekal sampai ble2 musnah mcam tuh jek. tepat 100 hari usia perkahwinan mereka, dia diceraikan. sebab. x-wife wants him back..
there, that is the point where her life starts to fall apart. all that she trust was just gone just like that. all that she believe to be her happiness seems to be all lies. she crumble. she was stuck like that for a while. I feel her pain. I cry with her many2 times. It never ease the pain but there is nothing else I can do. the betrayal she felt was terrible.
she was dumped just like that. To make matter worse, the husband was in the same school. She have to face him everyday. imagine the torture.
dia ade mintak pindah sekolah. tapi macam biasalah. proses lambat. only a few month before the year ends, she manage to pindah sekolah lain.
this year, she started teaching in Bentong.
Girl. listen here.
Didn't matter if someone broke your heart like that. I know you are strong.
I look up at you for what you've gone thru. kalau kene dump ngan boyfriend, x sama rase sakit hati dengan ape yang kamu rase.
Kamu kuat, kamu tabah. walaupon masih berbunyi perasaan sedeh dalam suara kamu, saya tau kamu akan berjaya juga hadapi nya.
percaya lah, saya akan sentiasa menyokong kamu dari belakang.
Yang perit itulah yang memberikan kita kekuatan.
Terpaling Green Day?
3 days ago
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