ok.It's scary to know that sumone you know suddenly meninggal dunia...died..dead..
scary..she's so young..and yet,tteba dapat berita dh xde..
hmmm....what if I die??!! what if korang semua dapat berita I suddenly am DEAD!
definately akan terkejut kan...but..
I wonder...
will people come to my pengebumian? or will they go like " Afirah? Afirah who?? xkenal lah.."
Would I be miss?? rasenya x kot...kalu xjumpe 10 hari, xde orang kisah..ni pulak xjumpe terus...hahaha...
What would people talk about me? ye la, biasenye bile orang menginggal nih orang akan bercerita pasal mende2 baik kn...but what about me? what good things will people say...I'm not that good...hahaha...
Have I been a good daughter? a good friend? a good sister?
I'm only 26, ok, I'm 26. I'm old.
but I don't think I have done anything relevent in this world..
anything worth remembering me for..correct?
okay.maybe people will remember me for a few month.then, puuffft..I'm no more...
Terpaling Green Day?
3 days ago
Menurut Steven Corvey, ada 4 aspect of life and 4 needs of life. And these 4 aspects need to be fulfilled in life:
1. Body needs to live
2. Mind needs to learn
3. Heart needs for love
4. Spirit... spirit needs for LEGACY.
Yup, legacy is something you left behind when you died... such as children, books, or even a tree you planted... or thoughts you gave to people...
Dengan kata lain, amal jariah yang kita tinggalkan... itu yang kita patut mahu...
btol2...tpi kan setakat nih xtau ade ke x legacy tuh...i dont have any kids (pets dont count, I guess), even planted trees died..thoughts>>>itu yg mnjadi tanda tanya...ade ke?? ade impak ke saya pade org lain??
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