I've come across an entree in a blog talking about cars. well, basically asking wether there is any different between cars of different brand..
hmmmm....rase nyer ade...walaupun it actually didn't matter to me what brand a car is...kan..kannn...
semuanya same jek...as long it drive u safely from point A to point B, it's enough for me..
my Father's first car was Nissan Sunny (year '85, maybe). it a small sedan. perfect for us yang cume ade mum, daddy, my sis and me. Then in '88 he sold it, and bought a Nissan Venette, A VAN!! hahaha...mesti pelek sebab naper beli van...padahal ktorg ade brape kerat jek...
one thing about our family is...we don't travel light...we travel heavy...and I mean HEAVY... kalau balik kampung jek...macam bawak balik the whole house...hahaha...
and a van is just perfect...bukan setkat bulih bawak the whole house, bulih jugak bawak ramai orang...kannnn...
I love this Van...banyak memori dowhhh...banyak!!!
I learn to drive using this yellow van...sayang van...but imagine...me, only 14, at that time, trying to pusing the van sterring, yg xde power sterring...hish...sgt berat...tp berjaya jugak bawak van tuh...hehehe...berjaya jugak Daddy ajar cmner nak balance first gear ngan kluc...hehehe...patuh balaja naik bukit guna van...wahaha...memang wat keje gile...
and then comes Proton Wira. 1st edition tuh...but didn't last long. Daddy sold it and bought a '82 Merc. hehehe....sorry Daddy, but I hated that car...hehehe...it a Merc...I hate Mercedez...yes, I hate Merc...
then the van was gone...sold..and replace with a Toyota Unser..my mom's car...this is another fav car...heheh...
then the Merc was gone..replace by a Honda Stream...ini adalah kete kesayangan bapak...letak la ape pon depan mata dia...nothing can replace his Honda..hehehe...
but I dont really like to drive Stream...rase xbes...too fast....erkk...cmner erk...pick up dia sgt hebat...btol ke?? I like cars yg go steady...x la sakit jantung bawak...kannnn....
then Unser pulak kene jual...huhuhu....sgt sedeh....tp jual kepada femili frens...so we know she is in good hands...hehehe...
replace by?? many2 cars were considered...even a 4WD...but my mom passed away...(T_T)...so it was hold for a longggg time...before I got my own car...(1st boght by my own money...second that i drive)
my actual 1st car was a third hand '97 Proton Tiara..hahaha...kalu sape2 yg penah own a Tiara would definately know this car means trouble..hehehe...
but it was in good shape mase mule2 beli...but my super genius brother makes that car his experiment project...ade ke orang tebuk carburator???huh!!!???
abih jahanam kete tuh...dengan suspension ditukar..ngan ekzos bising...adoi...kesian budak 3rd kolej, UM...kene kejut pagi2 ngan bunyi ekzos bising tuh stiap kali nk pi kelas....hahahaha...maap la yek..
tp banyak yg kami lalui bersama-sama..hehehe...
dr stuck dlm jem...
enjin panas...
enjin mampos pon ade...
tolak kete sorang..sengal gile orang yg tenagok..bukan nak tolong...
kete xmo hidup..mase tuh kat tasik ape ntah kat bangi...
tolak kete tuh ngan tukang garderner..hahaha...mekasih byk yek..hehehe...
tayar pancit..kene paku...
pam gune kaki beb...adoi...
pi tukar tayar kt kedai...huhuhu...
banyak kenangan...hihihi...
walaupun banyak masalah...sayang sgt ngan tiara tuh...dia macam ade soul tersendiri..hehehe...
banyak kete yg ditukar beli...banyak jugak yg telah saya drive...memang ade beza semua kerete nih..mahal ke murah ke..branded ke x ke...it doesn't matter..
ape yang penting kenangan kite dengan kerete tuh ngan femili kite yg tercinta..tuh jek..kalau ade masalah2...itu la yg xleh lupe...itu yg akan kite ingat sampai bile2...
kalu bercakap pasal kete memang sentimental...sbb dia dh jd sebahagian dr hidup kite kan...part of the femily..hehehe...
Monday, February 22, 2010
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