berlari2 trying to catch a bus at 5 to Victoria bus Station...and from victoria took another bus to Southampton...why?
sbb nk hntr brg...want to travel light to London and Paris....konon...still endup wiith barang yg banyak...
we Arrived at Southampaton Uni quite late...thanks to Uncle Yazid and Auntie Mas (you guys juz had a baby...ok la kan panggil uncle and auntie???hehehehe) for picking us up...
sampai kt umah kak Ida...disambut ngan makanan...trimas...sedap ayam bakar tuh
we dont even have a chance to even think about jet leg....xde maknenye...
esok pagi terus kene bangun...take a bus to London...along with Kak Ida n Kak Lela
when around London using the tube...some are closed because of the Ester break...
when on cruise on Thames river
and finally maddame Tussaud wax museum...
this I enjoyed very very very much...
if only in Malaysia they have sumthing like this....
it's more then wax museum...its amazing...really...
kasi korek lubang hidung tom cruise itu...hehehe..
ktorg stay kat umah En.Ahmad...35 pound per night..not bad....
nice person he is En.Ahmad...
it does feels like home his house...korang blh masak lg kat umah dia...
the next day pg shopping a little bit...jln2 kat oxford nk gile kat Primark...sbb brg2 damn cheap...
branded stuff jgn ckp la...super murah...
ptg tuh pg jln kat Malaysia Hall...lunch kat sana...kakak nk melepaskan kempunan nk mkn nasi cmpur...ktorg x heran la...
lepak kat Kesington park...x larat dh nk jln Hyde park...sini pn blh la...masa ni kaki raser cm nk tercabut dh...
jln2...dh malam...lapar...n kakak ckp ader tmpt kebab sedap sekitar sini...skali salah masuk kedai daa...
termasuk kedai mahal...hohoho...
muka kerisauan cmner nk bayar nih semua...hahahaha...
esok nyer bertolak ke Paris lak..
ok...the things I like about London
- easy to get around
- bes gile shopping
- toilet everywhere..n bersih..
- london red bus..its cute..hihi..
the things I don't like about London
- asyik mkn kebab je...bosan la...
- ayam goreng X sedap
- sejuk sgt
- accomandation too expensive
- xsempat nk jln semua tmpt...
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